



Above all, in doing anything, it is the first brave step that matters most.



make the first step
迈出第一步take the first step 有不会的可以再问我



It is hard to walk the first step
迈出第一步是最难的! taking the first step is the most difficult!
The first step is the only difficulty.


勇敢是成功的第一步1.)Bravery is the first step to be successful2.)To be courageous is the first step to success满意请采纳,谢谢
Courage is the first step of success!


The first step towards friendship
Taking the first step in friendship
take your first step to the friendship
step out the friendship first.
to take one step to friendship
Taking the first step in friendship

7,英文翻译谢 万事开头难只要你跨出了第一步后面的事情就很

The first step is always the hardest,if you take the first step, the following things will be much easier
it is the first step that costs troublesome. all things are dificult before they are easy.
something has a hard begian, if you go on a step,then easy before you do it more.
Everything at the beginning is difficult, whenever you finish the first step,then things will be very simple.
All things are difficult before they are easy,only if you take your first step will the coming things be easy.希望能帮到你。


1. If there are 1000 steps between us, as long as you take the first step, I will move in the direction you take the remaining 999 steps only 2 woman and a hero is also sad, only his wife and also difficult to find work
If we have between 1000 steps distance, if you step out of step 1, I will be in your direction the rest of the 999 steps 2 to women and hero sad also, but the wife and work hard to find
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文章TAG:敢于跨出第一步英语敢于  第一  第一步  